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San Antonio and its incredible sunsets

A sunset in Ibiza, so magical and yet so short-lived … They say good moments never last, don’t they?

One advantage: there are 365 sunsets a year. They never fail, not one single day day. So we all have the opportunity of watching one, without excuse.

They will never be the same but on any a fine sunny day they will always be amazing.

Y lo bueno, en Ibiza, es que tienen la suerte de tener 300 días de sol al año, ¡así que sería muy mala suerte que no tuvierais ni uno durante vuestras vacaciones!

We stayed in San Antonio, and from our room at the Marina Palace, the pool and the restaurant we could enjoy spectacular sunsets every day, as well as from various locations in the area around San Antonio, since the bay is at the west of the island.

All the west side of the island has incredible places to live the sunset of your life, however everybody has their favourite spot. These are the ones we fell in love with.
Intercorp_ibiza_calaSalada_foto de Chris Clark ssl.panoramio.comuser710258 (1)Cala Salada: In summer the sun sets behind the hills, giving the rocks a reddish tone, and by the end of the season it is even more amazing with the sun going down in the sea.



Intercorp_Ibiza_calacodolar (1)Cala Codolar: In the small cliff above Cala Codolar, we found a sense of peace that we haven’t found anywhere else. And the horizon? Sea, sea, sea and more sea.
Intercorp_ibiza_SaTorre (1)North of San Antonio, you find the Bar / Hostal Sa Torre: Here we had a great Gin Tonic (only adults, obviously) while watching the sunset from the terrace. The atmosphere and music make it even more delightful. Simply great!




intercorp_ibiza_calaConta (1)Cala Compte. We’d heard so much about this beach that we had to go. And we were not at all disappointed! Its crystal clear waters, the small islands in front, the areas of rocks and sand … illuminated by the rays changing colours … an unforgettable show!



Intercorp_ibiza_SanAntonio (1)San Antonio Bay. It’s a classic that you have to live. The promenade is full of bars where you can admire the sunset. We chose not to stop and to do all the walk with the children.





IMG_1699 (Small)A real luxury was the Miramare Sunset Restaurant that belongs to the hotel we stayed at, although it is open to the public. The best cocktails around and live shows at sunset and dinner time several days a week. We couldn’t ask for more!

We went on a day boat trip to Es Vedrà and, on the way back, enjoyed the sunset in the middle of the sea overlooking the small island of Es Vedrà. Need I say more? Breathtaking.

This year we’re going back to Ibiza and we’ll, hopefully, see some more. I’ll be keeping you posted! Which are your favourite?

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